Can you introduce yourself in a few sentences? I’m Alesia Zyla, the founder and creative director of Maet. I’m inspired by the balance between structure and fluidity, stillness and movement. Creativity shapes how I see the world, whether through art, architecture, or everyday moments. Beyond fashion, I value independence, discovery, and the stories found in the details.

What’s your star sign?
I’m a Cancer (that’s why I’m overthinking every question)
What’s your best life hack?
It changes overtime but at this moment it’s “If you don’t know how to answer, ask ChatGPT”.
What do you do for work?
I am a fashion designer specializing in womenswear dedicated to create unique sustainable pieces.
How did you get to where you are today?
I got here by working hard, trusting the process and a lot of existential crisis.
What does living a good life mean to you?
A good life means doing what I love (creating), being with the people I love the most, working toward my goals and adopting twenty dogs.
What’s something you wish you’d known 5 years ago?
I wish I had known that most things that felt like a big deal then wouldn’t really matter in the long run. Would have saved me a lot of overthinking.
Who’s someone (famous) you look up to?
Someone famous I look up to is Phoebe Philo. Her ability to create clothing that is so empowering is what I strive to reflect in my own world.
What’s the best life lesson you’ve learnt?
The best life lesson I have learnt is that small steps add up faster than waiting for the perfect moment to take a big one. This has changed my way through life.
What do you dream about?
I don’t think there is enough space here to answer this but to keep it short my biggest dream is leaving a mark in the fashion industry, making the world remember my creations.
What is one thing you recommend?
I recommend balance. Balance everything in life especially work and leisure. I don’t practice this a lot so I try to recommend it to other people as much as I can.
What song would be the soundtrack to your life?
It is actually a piece from Hans Zimmer that is called Cornfield Chase. There is something in this piece that makes me see life differently.
Finally, give us a hotspot in your city, or a city you love!
Easy question, my creative studio in Tirana. There is no place like home they say.

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